Kids Learning Zone

Social Class

Social class was a huge thing in Roman times there was a strict social order and you had to know where you fitted in, if you got ideas above your station you would soon be reminded of your place. Roman society was very different to the life we know but also very similar. It was a society of extremes, those who have and those who have not, rich and poor. Depending where you were on the social spectrum you were either extremely important or you were considered worthless, a life with no value at all.

Not only that but your ethnic origin and gender were also factors, being male or female decided where you slotted in to society, girls and women were considered just above slaves and had no real say in life and had to do as they were told or suffer the consequences. Your wealth played a huge part in your status and education was not really considered suitable for females. Life for many civilians was tough and life expectancy was very low for the lower you were on the poor scale the worse it became. Roman society was at times brutal and at times lawless to a certain extent with crime being brutally dealt with by severe punishments and torture or even instant death with no trial.

It was very difficult to move up the social classes as once a slave always a slave, unless you had money or found some amazing scheme to become rich you stayed where you found yourself in most cases, for some death was a release from a miserable life. You can see it was a hard life and how far we have developed in the modern world in this country, as half of you reading this will be a girl in school, unlike your Roman ancestors.